sábado, 5 de agosto de 2017

There are two Cornwalls: the paradise of my fantasies and the place I’ve moved to

ntil recently, I lived in a flat in Camden Town, above the betting shop, with my husband and three-year-old son. There were rats on the fire escape and junkies on the street. Sometimes, the junkies offered me childcare tips: “Don’t feed him lollies or he’ll end up fat, like you.” Was this man a contributor to Mumsnet? Was he right? I had a list of things I did not like about London, and it grew longer. I did not like the nearest primary school, for the children had upside-down smiles. I did not like the fuggy heat, or the air pollution, or the children who threw eggs at my window. I did not like the butcher who charged me £110 for a joint of beef.

We sold the Camden flat and moved to a tumble-down house on the edge of Newlyn, the fishing port next to Penzance.

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